
China State Dinner/Lunch Names Needed

"Eric Schwerin"
"Hunter Biden"
2010-11-18 19:41
The China State Dinner is on January 19th.  In addition, there will be the traditional VP/SecState Lunch.

Michele called and said they would like some suggested names for the lunch.   They have 30 spots for the VP's personal list.  Your Dad has 22 spots already allocated, but if someone fits into a "business leader," "elected official", "think tank" type, they could be added beyond the 8 remaining personal spots.   She is asking Beau if he has suggestions as well.

Also, if it helps, here are their lists for the dinner and selected people already invited for the lunch.

Dinner - Ellen Kuhlman +1, CEO, DuPont; Beau and Hallie, Mel Monzack and wife
Dessert - Ashley and Howard; John Martilla +1

Among the 22 for lunch, already on the list are: John Cooney, Perry Weitz, Peter Krause, Brian Roberts (Comcast) and President Harker.

Some thoughts - what about President Harris of Widener?  They are desperately trying to get in to China with that Confucious Institute.   Could also think about Father Pilarz of Scranton (soon to be Marquette) they are also interested in China.  Jim Bulger (or someone from his group)?   Greg Penner?  Gavin Newsom?  Cooper?  David Boren?  Anyone from Labor?  

Eric D. Schwerin
Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC
1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Suite 705
WashingtonDC 20007
(202) 333-1880
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