
Fw: 123 Agreements with Australia and Russia

"Hunter Biden"
2010-12-10 13:10
Need to discuss.

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From: "FREEMAN, Derrick" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 11:02:44 -0500
Cc: POWERS, Robert<>
Subject: RE: 123 Agreements with Australia and Russia

We haven’t begun negotiations with them yet. Hey were supposed to have begun last month but have been postponed. We anticipate a 123 with Saudia Arabia to be difficult, not impossible.


From: []
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 10:50 AM
To: FREEMAN, Derrick
Cc: POWERS, Robert
Subject: Re: 123 Agreements with Australia and Russia



Ok, don't laugh at me, but what are the chances that a 123 gets signed with Saudi Arabia?

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From: "FREEMAN, Derrick" <>

Sender: "SCHOENHERR, Nikolaus" <>

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 10:44:19 -0500

Subject: 123 Agreements with Australia and Russia


TO:      NEI Standing Committee



123 Agreements with Australia and Russia


The State Department has informed us that Saturday, December 4 was the 90th day of Congressional review for the proposed Australia 123 Agreement and Thursday, December 9 was the 90th day of Congressional review for the proposed Russia 123 Agreement .  Accordingly, Congressional review is completed. 


The U.S. and Australian governments are now working together to arrange for an exchange of diplomatic notes to officially bring the Australia 123 agreement into force.  This exchange will likely occur later this month.  The current agreement is valid until January 16, 2011.


The U.S. and Russian governments will also need to exchange diplomatic notes to officially bring the Russia 123 into force.  We do not yet have a timeline for this exchange.   


If you have any questions in the interim, please contact Carol Berrigan (202-739-8050 or )or Ted Jones (202-739-8169 or




Derrick W. Freeman

Senior Director, Governmental Affairs



1776 I Street N.W.

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