
J.P. Morgan Eye on the Market 2011 Outlook: The Printing Press

"Person, Brian H"
2011-01-02 16:00
2011 Outlook_PWM_The Printing Press.pdf

Dear friends,


As we wind down our weekends and get ready for the start of the first week of 2011, I want to take a moment and thank you for your support and friendship throughout 2010.  Some on this list know me very well, some are acquaintances, and some I have only met in passing.  All are important to me, and I look forward to strengthening our relationships in 2011.


Please take a read through Michael Cembalest's outlook for 2011 (attached).  Michael is our CIO and fearless leader when it comes to positioning portfolios for safety, strength and prosperity.  He does a great job of setting the table for 2011 with this piece and I hope it gives you some themes for your own portfolios as well as your businesses.


Happy New Year and best wishes for a healthy and happy 2011,

Brian Person


Brian Person | J.P. Morgan | 1650 Market Street, Floor 47  19103 | T: 215 640 3666 | C: 484 432 3761





Eye on the Market 2011 Outlook

Please contact your JP Morgan representative for a bound color version of the Outlook


The Printing Press.  As we head into 2011, global profits are rising, U.S. household incomes and debt burdens are improving, the Asian production boom continues, global services are starting to rebound, and Germany is seeing its largest manufacturing and consumer revival since reunification.   So far, so good.  But to generate this outcome, most Central Banks and Treasuries around the world have been running in overdrive since January 2008 to create or redistribute money.  A resulting measure of global imbalances has never been higher.


Do these imbalances matter given positive economic momentum in the US, Germany and China; low P/E multiples on both developed and emerging equity markets; and mountains of household, corporate and Sovereign Wealth Fund cash capable of driving asset prices higher? We think they do, since the risks of unintended consequences are higher when the magnitude of imbalances (and experimentation) is this high as well.


We have invested client portfolios in the belief that the world will not suffer a major relapse, with significant holdings in public and private equity, credit, hedge funds, commodities and real estate.  We expect 2011 to be like 2010: volatile, and with modest returns on a balanced portfolio of financial assets.  That these returns are made more attractive by the world’s Printing Press policy**, which renders cash savings useless as a store of value, is a mixed blessing at best.   This publication reviews our market, investment and portfolio stance as 2011 begins.


Michael Cembalest

Chief Investment Officer


** As per the Fed Chairman himself; see page 10


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