
Re: Forgot - Hilary Rosen worked for BP after the spill

"Rob Norton"
2011-09-19 14:57
I've been going through the BP case and came up with an idea that may or may not work. What if we make the focus of this segment "Advocacy to Establish Competitive Advantage" and focus on two events - the BP oil spill and the Toyota recalls. With these two examples, we can look at various levels of advocacy... state/country-level, commercial lobbying, trade/industry association all focused on maintaining a "level playing field" for important national companies working to stay competitive in the U.S. in the face of big disasters and domestic companies and policymakers hungry for the opportunity to beat a foreign competitor by any means necessary. Maybe Hilary Rosen can speak to some of this and/or Secretary Salazar could almost certainly speak to the commercial interests that came into play after the spill. The Toyota case would open up NTSB, Dept of Transportation, organized labor, Members of Congress from automobile producing states, Japanese government/diplomats.

Let me know what you think.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Rob Norton <> wrote:
Should we ask her to be a speaker? Not sure what she can or cannot say, but if she's restricted by confidentiality, maybe she can just talk conceptually... who were the players, what was going on, what BP was facing from the outside, etc.

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