
Re: Kemes Rakishov - Four Seasons Hotel - 1:30pm - 2:30pm

"Eric Schwerin"
"Devon Archer"
"Hunter Biden"
2012-04-26 00:20
Did the YC not work?

Eric D. Schwerin

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2012, at 10:56 PM, Devon Archer <> wrote:

Meeting with Kemes Rakishov – 

Son in Law of the Former Prime Minister of Kazakstan, Current Mayor of Astana, and likely future President of Kazakstan; Imangali Tasmagambetov


Location:        Four Seasons Hotel Lobby (southwest lobby sitting area; to the left as you enter from 57th)

Date:              Thursday, April 26, 2012                 

Time:              1:30pm – 2:30pm


Hunter -

I covered four areas with Kemes today, the first general background and three specific investment/partnership options; and then he brought up one additional option for investment partnership to pursue.  We had what I thought was a very productive 90 minute meeting.  The meeting went as followed in order –

·      Hello’s

·      History and background of Rosemont Seneca Partners

o   General overview of NYC and DC backgrounds and genesis of the organization

o   Talent driven thematic alternative investment manager

o   Highlighted SPVs, PE Co-Invest Fund and TALF Fund as funds completed successfully currently in harvest.  Tabled as opportunities to revisit down the line

o   Explained we are looking to partner with a sophisticated foreign capital source on our platform.  Kemes mentioned he is looking for a US partner as well.

·      Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners

o   Explained we would be interested in developing GP partnership for significant investment ($50mm – $75mm +)

o   Kemes was extremely interested in developing GP relationship and exploring a joint strategy fortechnology investing (early stage thru pre IPO).  Very interested in being part of distinct Silicon Valley club.

·      Rosemont Realty

o   Gave general background and he volunteered introductions but suggested he not an expert and has limited interest 

·      Prospect Global Resources

o   Discussed my role on the Board and as an early investor

o   Kemes was extremely interested in investing in the next round of PGRX and doing a stock swap for a comparable size 1 billion tonne greenfield potash mine in Kazakhstan.  (I think you bringing Kemes to Prospect with funding and the stock resource swap concept is a huge opportunity)

·      SPAC

o   Kemes was very interested in developing a US based (or TSX) publicly traded SPAC to identify assets from Kazakstan and the region for listing.

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