Hey, guys. There is apparently a photo of Devon and the VP on Burisma's website (I can't see it - the website isn't working very well right now) but Demetra (VP Counsel) called and asked that we tell Burisma they need to take it down (legally they aren't comfortable with the VP's picture being up on the site as what seems like an endorsement). Are either of you in touch with them to ask them to do so? Or is there someone you want me to call? Demetra or someone from over there may call directly (but she asked if we could do it and she didn't know who to call). Let me know if there is something I can do.
Eric D. Schwerin
Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC
1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Suite 705
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 333-1880
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