
PR agenda

"Vadim Pozharskyi"
"Mason Archer Yost", "Toohey, Ryan", "Alan Apter", "Strat Comm AMER Burisma", "Devon Archer", "Hunter Biden"
2014-05-21 08:07
Dear Heather and all, 

Following the information we have received in the FTI memo and our discussions with regard to PR, I  would like to say that I agree with our colleagues from the FTI and their suggestions and I think we should follow through with them. In addtion, I would like to provide you with the following points that should be discussed and which I kindly ask to incorporate in our 1st month PR agenda that was outlined in the memo. 
1. Proactive approach. First of all, i believe that we have to take a more proactive approach towards PR, since last week media raised too many questions and being silent and/or not active enough could raise even more negative queries, cause suspicions, etc. I think we should use this month to answer the majority of media questions and explain our positions using for that different mechanisms and instruments that were suggested by you and outlined by myself below. 
2. Interviews and op-eds. Draft interviews/op-eds of our Directors and the Shareholder and organize their placement. In thid regard, set up a list of the most respectable European and American newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs, where we should consider potential placement of interviews/ op-eds with our Directors and make a plan when and where they should be published. 

3. Internet resources. Use all possible resources to communicate the necessary information. For that purpose:
a) Facebook and Linkedin pages. Since we've already created them, please send us your advice on using them and filling in the content.
b) Wikipedia. Thank you for your feedback on the wikipedia issue. We found it thoroughly researched and clearly stated. We've also done some digging in terms of wikipedia entries and came up with some additional wikipedia pages analysis  (see attached).

4. Website. I gave an assignment to the IT company to design a new website. We are looking forward to your advice and suggestions. From my side, i will forward to your draft design and draft structure of the website. 

5. Board meeting. Since this month we're having our first Board meeting, I am fully convinced that there's a need to use this event for PR purposes most carefully, but effectively. And I know that Heather noted that it would be better to keep silent, but i am sure that our colleagues from the FTI will agree that we cannot miss this opportunity and should take advantage of it. 

6. Create the PR strategy. I believe that within this month we have to create the basis for our ongoing PR strategy defining key messages on how we're going to position Burisma, its Directors, the Shareholdet, etc. 
Best regards,

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