
Re: Privileged and Confidential

"Vadim Pozharskyi"
"Heather King"
"Devon Archer (", "Hunter Biden ("
2014-06-01 17:52
Not to forget, that following positive first board of directors meeting experience, we are considering to hold second Board meeting in Washington, sep-oct this year.

Best, Vadym

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2 июня 2014, в 03:20, Vadim Pozharskyi <> написал(а):

Dear Heather, as to the Nikolay's visa issue.
Nikolay is prepared to apply to US embassy for US visa, he will return to Kiev after apr 17th of June.
In order to do so he will need a formal reason and that could be business trip to US. 
For this purpose I suggest that your company will send him an invitation, signed by one of companies lawyer / partner, namely H. Biden. 
Two reasons for that, firstly having Hunters name on invitation will invite embassy to consider carefully that application. Secondly If he is denied in obtaining visa, then your company, that actualy invited Nikolay could work with state department on this. 
Also, please keep in mind an important point, if he is to be officially denied, he will get a special stamp in his passport. And that would have very negative effect if he is to apply for his next visas, say, to UK Embassy or any other Schengen countries embassies in Europe. 

Please consider and get back to me on this,
Best regards, Vadym

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30 мая 2014, в 11:58, Vadim Pozharskyi <> написал(а):

Dear Heather, thank you for information provided. Let me discuss that with Nikolay and get back to you on this. Please also note that following my discussion with him and subsequent joint conversations together with Hunter, Nikolay totally is in line with what you recommended in respect of Nardello company. Before we start on this we would need to discuss with you the details and I will get back to you on this during the weekend, since we are traveling again the whole day today.
 Best regards, Vadym

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29 мая 2014, в 15:19, Heather King <> написал(а):

Vadim – Please note the following related to Nikolai’s visa:

1.      The U.S. State Department has confirmed that Nikolai’s visa has, in fact, been revoked and is no longer valid for application for entry into the U.S. (Please note that the State Department said their communications with us about this are to serve as official notification to Nikolai that it has been revoked.) 

2.      We were told that the Embassy used its discretion to revoke the visa “based on information that it received subsequent to the issuance of the visa” but has not been willing to explain further what that information might be. 

3.      Please keep in mind that Nikolai’s visa was issued in 2011 for 5 years and as many entries as he wanted to the U.S.  Given the more recent turmoil in Ukraine, and heightened security concerns in the U.S. related thereto, it is not unusual that the U.S. would want to issue more limit visas to Ukrainians generally.  In addition, I have no doubt that they are especially focused on a former government official associated with Yanukovych.

4.      The good news is that the Embassy made no suggestion that he is subject to any sort of ongoing visa ban, as has been suggested in some press, and encouraged us to advise him to submit a new visa application to the U.S. Embassy.  I would recommend that he submit such an application; if it is denied, then we will know that there may be a more serious problem and we will need to inquire at a higher level at the State Department.

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