
Re: I need you help-- lease call after you have read!

"Clint LaRue"
2016-04-22 11:59
Dr. Bosarge's number 
+44 7584 415661

He'd like a call if you're able. Said 4:30 London time is best for him if you're available. 

On Apr 21, 2016, at 19:33, wrote:

Absolutely. Also if you want me to jump on phone with Ed and reassure him tell him I'll try no promises to find a minute etc and let him know I'll make sure he gets to right people in WH I can do that too.


On Apr 21, 2016, at 5:47 PM, Clint LaRue <> wrote:

Thanks for the reply brother.  The only reason I'd like a call with you is to help mitigate Dr. Bosarge.  I know for a fact he has the best intentions as I know him well, I think he and your father have all the information they need however , I just think Ed is being a bit over zealous. Understandable , this is his passion. You and I don't necessarily need to speak, I think you captured it perfectly and I will pass the word. Although, I'd  like to talk and catch up with you regardless. 
Take care 

On Apr 21, 2016, at 15:36, wrote:

My Dad and I know Dr. DePinho well from the two years with spent with Beau at MDA. The best thing to do here is have Dr DePinho request the meeting while we are at the Vatican. One thing to keep in mind is that I believe we are only in Rome for a matter of hours. If it can't happen there I'm sure we can connect back here in DC today n the issue and make sure the new director for cancer moonshot working for my Dad is at the meeting. Is there a reason why they think a 5 minute pull aside at the Vatican would be at all productive? Again Dr. DePinho has my Dad's personal cell number so it's not like he can't get a meeting in DC pretty much whenever he wants. Anyway, if it's important to you that we find the 5 minutes there I can try to make it happen outside the chain of command.


On Apr 21, 2016, at 2:54 PM, Clint LaRue <> wrote:

Hunter , FYI.  And let me know if we can get that call in. 

Dear Clint,

As you know, Vice President Biden will be in Rome beginning April 28. We have heard from his staff in DC that his schedule at the Vatican has no holes and is overloaded.

However, Mr. Bockorny from DC and Dr. DePinho from MDA could meet with him for 5-10 minutes at the Vatican, between sessions if at all possible to give him a quick briefing on his cancer bill and the regrow cellular therapy bill which are to be presented together by the HELP committee. Please could you ask Hunter and tell him how important it is medically and politically to pass his Cancer initiative  and the Cellular Therapy Legislation!

If I could meet him May 7-9 in DC, I would fly over to do so.

Ed Bosarge


On Apr 19, 2016, at 06:01, Hunter Biden <> wrote:

how about Wed?
R. Hunter Biden
Rosemont Seneca Partners
Washington D.C.

On Apr 18, 2016, at 2:57 PM, Clint LaRue <> wrote:

Hunter, let me know if you have time to discuss in the near future. 
Hope all is well 

On Apr 18, 2016, at 07:53, Devon Archer <> wrote:

See below.  Copying Clint here with a request from one of his friends whose going to be presenting at the Vatican along with your father on cancer stem cell research.  I've spoken to Clint's friend Ed as well and seems to have given his life and much of his fortune to the research.  It might be worth making the connection but I think best to touch base with Clint and discuss.  I leave it to you guys to see if interesting.

Devon D. Archer

Begin forwarded message:

From: Clint LaRue <>
Date: April 17, 2016 at 12:17:03 PM EDT
To: Devon Archer <>, Devon Archer <>
Subject: Fwd: I need you help-- lease call after you have read!

From: Ed Bosarge <>
Date: April 16, 2016 at 13:31:06 EDT
To: Clint LaRue <>
Subject: I need you help-- lease call after you have read!

Dear Clint,

I will see VP Biden in Rome for our Vatican stem cell Conference where he has agreed to speak!

I need to meet with him there for 30 minutes and I attach a communication I wrote today for our cellular Therapy team  in DC and it is self explanatory!

Can you read it and tell me the best way you could get it in Biden's personal hands before the trip to Rome 28 April, and tell me if I need to rewrite tomorrow but If you can help me, call me and let us discuss strategy!


Ed Bosarge Statement to Joe Biden !

I believe Robin has me and Dave Bockorny on the meet and greet list for mr Biden, and today we need, through any and all  channels, to secure a 30-40 minute session as soon as Mr. Biden arrives in Rome! Vice President Biden has a more than serious interest in innovation in Medicine and i am sure he would endorse the US regain it lead in Cellular Therapy by endorsing this sensible and safe bill!  

I plan to present this under my title as the Vatican Thought Leader in Stem Cell based Regenerative Medicine" !

And as the financial and spiritual and moral sponsor of the last three Vatican Stem Cell conferences, My world class team if US Based Stem cell scientists,  are well qualified to educate VP Biden on how he could impact the world even more than impacting Cancer Alone, but impacting all diseases now with safe and proven Regenerative Medicine!  We trust that Vive President can gain the  understanding in this field quickly, and get  Behind thus Senate 21 Century Medicine Bill component, the Regrow Act endorsed by Lamar Alexander and most all the Worlds leading Stem Cell Scientists from US, and those leaders from all over the world-- whom My Biden will meet at the Vatican!

I also need to brief him on the five year history of the endorsement by the Vatican of Autologous Stem cell therapy, a recent safe,  medical Technology used in the practice of medicine through out the world!

The two most  recent Popes have given strong Church endorsements, and numerous other endorsements throughout the Vatican and Catholic Church worldwide including their network of Hospitals and Medical Facilities!

Based on our work through the Vatican, and Scientific advances throughout the world, including in the US,  Stem Cell Therapy,  using your own or similar cells, has become law and the practice of medicine in  EU, covering 350 mm people 3 years ago, and in Korea 3-4 years ago! And  19 months ago, Stem Cell Therapy was fully approved in Japan using same format and Approval pathway, as our proposed Senate bill, the Regrow Act!

The Directors of these respective regulatory bodies of these major countries, including Japan,  and the EU, are here at the Vatican, for this important Conclave, to endorse and explain this scientific and regulatory effort and they will certainly endorse these safe and exciting healing processes presented in this Regrow Act!

Now we request Vice Price President Biden to watch , read, and study carefully the results presented here, at the most important world Medical gathering on Regenerative Medicine,  and grasp this dramatic impact on saving lives now and regrowing limbs, bones, tissue, veins and nerves and organs! The future of medicine is at hand here and now! 

We also want Mr Biden to meet Sean Parker, Dr Ron DePinho, who will endorse cellular therapy and its current extensions to possibly cure cancer, and diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease!  Research has now shown great progress in Cellular Therapy in the treatment of all the Major diseases of our time, ALS, Parkinson's,  Alzheimers, and CNS diseases! 

As a scientist and as the thought leader of the Vatican, I stand ready to meet Vice President Biden anywhere, anytime to discuss moral, political, and financial support for His Legacy Cancer Initiative! And we would like his endorsement for the Regrow act at the same time, which is currently planned to be contained within 21 century Medicine Bill,  and the Regrow bill which has been introduced on the floor of the senate a Few weeks ago!

Sen Bill Frist and I are partners in the BPC joint sponsorship effort of the Regrow act and we need Mr Biden's to help Senator Lamar Alexander with the Help Committee, and we need his further support on the Democrat side of the Senate, and his endorsement of this combined 21 c medicine Bill in conference!

His support will assure passage of the total Regrow act, and most important for th Cancer initiative, will assure Financial support by the Senate and House Republicans in the passage of Mr Biden's Legacy Cancer Initiative!

Vice President Biden, i must personally explain to you my motives for the 100% dedication of my time and treasure to get this proven accepted cellular therapy into mainstream medicine in the US!

1. I have personally used my own cells 8 times in my own body over last 6 years in Munich, and before I went there, I had an un-repairable, broken right ankle, two knees with no Cartledge , and could no longer walk five years ago! After three visits to Munich, and injection of my own Adipose stem cells, my muscoskeletal structure is completely healed, cartilage has regrown,  and the ravages of osteoarthritis are gone from every joint, tendon, and area treated!

2. My case is no isolated anecdote, this is standard of care available now for up to 500 mm people, outside the Country we know and love  for its Exemplary medicine!

3. The German health care costs are now at 9% of GDAp and we see a pathway to moving the US from 19% of GDP to 15% of GDP within 5-7 years ( if the bill with an accelerated pathway for FDA approval is passed this year) !

This Regrow Bill, will liberate  regenerative medicine and unfetter cellular therapy from the out dated regulatory structure in the US, where each cellular therapy initiative must follow the same Chemical drug based pathway, with its notorious billion dollars per drug 10 year process,  to gain approval using the same process designed to protect the body to from dangerous and alien chemicals which are the basis of 95 % of our single molecule drug! 

In fact to illustrate the insanity of the current regulatory environment in the US, there are now 5200 Cellular Therapy based Stem Cell trials throughout the US and based on the Governments own website, there have been two approvals, and material cellular therapeutic based serious side effects during the Safety Trials, are almost negligible!     

 A chemical based drug regulatory pathway is still in use today for moving your own Stem cells from one part of your body ( the waist) to a shoulder joint, a knee joint,  or a wounded heart, Or any other part of your body needing repair! This is killing progress and innovation in these most important areas of Medicine's future!

4. The FDA has done a good job at one of their two missions, Safety, and a terrible job AT their other Mission,  Innovation! As a result of a terribly outdated regulatory process being forced to be applied in moving certain body parts or fluids, to another part of the same body, from based on a false assumption , that treatment of any part of your body by your own cells required the laborious  three part,  1 billion dollar chemical drug based pathway (taking 10 years), cellular therapy in the clinic, has moved outside of the US and America has lost its lead to other Western Nation. Not only are our health care costs seriously out of control, but the entire Future of Western Medicine is at stake, so we desperately need an accelerated pathway, specially designed for totally safe stem cells!  The safety data already exists in the approved Cellular Therapy processes throughout the western world! 

Seniors like me and millions of others,  who may have no financial means have no options within US, other than a Clinical trial which may treat their malady by chance!  They are relegated to a life of suffering and early painful death from arthritis , non healing wounds, severe burns, serious joint wear, joint failure, failed muscles and cartledge, strokes, heart failure, organ failure, and of course, slow and agonizing diseases of the central nervous system ( like ALS and Parkinson's etc) and the entire spectrum of auto immune diseases which have recently been cured world with Stem cell based treatments!

5. Just to note the 5,200 Cellular therapy trials taking place now have not had any significant side effects at all, based on the innate cellular therapy process per se!

Blood transfusions of matched cells have  been approved in the US, and has been going on in the US since the 1870s, so to suddenly block established by the FDA, on re-injecting  your own stem cells ( part of cells used in every blood transfusion)  now as part of a treatment process,  is not based on science, but a regulatory system run amuck!

Thank you Vice President Biden for listening to the plea to help return  the US preeminence in Medicine with regards to the many hundreds of applications of Cellular therapy for healing our own bodies with the stem cells that God has placed within the vascular structure throughout our own bodies, for this most obvious and most noble purpose!

Ed Bosarge, PhD.

W. E. Bosarge, Jr., Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Capital Technologies, Inc.
4203 Yoakum Boulevard, Suite 200
Houston, Texas 77006
Office Phone: +1 (713) 524-2854
Office Fax: +1 (713) 524-2898 

Assistant: Shelby Butera
Office Phone: +1 (713) 524-2854

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