
Re: Docs for opening bank account

"Vadym Pozharskyi"
"Joan Mayer"
"Hunter Biden", "Devon Archer", "Dennis Loughran", "Carly O'Brien"
2016-05-16 14:32
Dear Joan, 
First of all, my apologies for for this insanely intense period of apostilizing, certifying, scanning and fedexing docs for us. It is too much at once. So I thought as other documents we've requested earlier are in the process of finalizing, could you in the meantime fill in Hunter's tax identification number on page 4 of the form I sent earlier in this correspondence, and send me a scan, and have Hunter sign a resolution on page 3. I already asked Dennis and Carly from Devon's office to have Devon sign this resolution. We'd really aporeciate it if you all could coordinate signture by both directors and send us a scan (we only need a scan now) sometime soon!
Very best, 

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Vadym Pozharskyi <> wrote:
Dear Joan, 

Looking forward to receiving scanned copies of certified and apostilled docs that we discussed. And as mentioned before, the originals should be sent to the address below: 

Obelisk Auctions Gallery
Villa Drusilla
No.1, Mdina Road,
Attard, ATD 9039, 
FAO Pierre Grech Pillow

Also, in this regard, the bank has drafted and provided us with the form attached. Could you kindly do the following: 
- check Hunter's personal info listed for accuracy
- fill in his tax identification number on page 4, scan the page and send it to us

As you will see, there is also a resolution on page 3 for all directors to execute. But we'll ask you to execute it later on, once done by President Kwasniewski and Alan Apter, since this resolution will have to be signed by all directors in the original. 

Very best, 


On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Vadym Pozharskyi <> wrote:
Thank you, Joan, 
As to the certified declaration of source wealth including profile, it is a general document that we, for instance, in Ukraine, submit to tax authorities listing our income from all sources over the last year. 
I hope, it helps. Let me know if you have any further questions. 

On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Joan Mayer <> wrote:
Hi Vaydm,
We are slowly getting there.  Not sure this is helpful but attached is the color passport, utility bill and bank reference letter. They still need to be apostiled though- which we will do when we get these other requested documents.  

I just wanted to confirm what is required for "a certified declaration of source wealth including profile"?  We can provide a letter from Hunter's corporation, Owasco, confirming his annual salary. Is that what the bank is looking for?

Thank you!

Joan K. Mayer
Rosemont Seneca Advisors, LLC
1010 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 705
Washington, DC 20007

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