
Fwd: Invitation for Vice President Biden

"Peter Henderson"
2018-02-13 22:48

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: steve ricchetti <>
Date: February 13, 2018 at 5:41:13 PM EST
To: Vice President Biden <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Invitation for Vice President Biden

See below from howard fineman. He wants you to come to his class sometime this spring, as does al hunt.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Howard Fineman <>
Date: Feb 13, 2018, 5:35 PM -0500
To: <>
Subject: Re: Invitation for Vice President Biden

I had a Trump person in today to talk about the fracturing of media — which of course he defended. Finnegan waited to near the end of the class and then laid him out, quietly but firmly and devastatingly. He was literally speechless, and had no choice but to agree with her.


On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 11:43 AM Howard Fineman <> wrote:
FYI. Would love to have the Veep come in. Seems perfect. Also Finnegan is in the class, as is her close friend Sabrina Shulman. 

Hope all is well with you, Amy and your kids. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Howard Fineman <>
Date: Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 5:44 PM
Subject: Invitation for Vice President Biden
To: <>

Dear Louisa,

    I am writing to invite the vice president if he could speak to my seminar at Penn Annenberg, which is entitled New Media and Politics in the Age of Trump. I taught it for the first time last year, and it is a big hit with the students, although the enrollment as a seminar is limited to 20. 

   The vice president and I have known each other for decades, going back to when I was the chief political correspondent at Newsweek. I have known Jill and his family for nearly that long. I would say that, as reporters and politicians go, we are friends.

    The seminar meets on Tuesdays at Annenberg on the campus, from 130-430. He would be welcome to come at any time, for however long. I should mention that his granddaughter, Finnegan Biden, is in the class, as his her dear friend from Sidwell Friends, Sabrina Schulman. (Our own kids were at Sidwell with the Biden grandkids.)

     If you wanted a specific date, I would would strongly suggest March 13, when we are scheduled to talk about the globalization of news. The topic would dovetail perfectly with the Foundation and with one of Mr. BIden's areas of unrivaled expertise.

     Please let me know if there is a possibility for this, and what else I should do, or anyone else I should contact. Steve Ricchetti is a longtime friend as well, but I thought it best to ask you.

     All the best,


PS if he wanted to turn it into a larger event at Annenberg, I'm sure we could arrange it, but the seminar is TOTALLY OFF THE RECORD. I taught it for the first time last year and we have had some great guests, including Amy Gutmann, Chris Matthews, David Bradley, E.J. Dionne and many others.

NBC/MSNBC News Analyst |

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