
Fwd: Aqua Sciences USAID Unsolicited Proposal for Haiti

"Doug Davenport"
"Eric Schwerin", "R. Hunter Biden"
2010-07-23 10:21
Eric/Hunter - see attached.
Please call me about this.

Best Regards,

Doug Davenport

Begin forwarded message:

From: "David Murphy" <>
Date: July 22, 2010 7:42:37 PM EDT
Cc: "'Abe M. Sher'" <>, "'David Murphy'" <>, <>, "'Scott Morris'" <>
Subject: Aqua Sciences USAID Unsolicited Proposal for Haiti

Please find attached Aqua Sciences’ unsolicited proposal for life-saving water generators that was prepared in response to a request by the Haitian government. 
In the immediate aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, Aqua Sciences fulfilled a US SOUTHCOM mission requirement from the University Hospital in Port au Prince, the largest hospital in Haiti. In late January Aqua Sciences donated the use of one of its units and support staff to supply drinking water to the survivors, patients, doctors and nurses in the medical compound. Dr. Thomas Kirsch, Co-Director of the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response at Johns Hopkins University, stated that Aqua Sciences’ work “probably saved more lives at University Hospital than anything I did as a physician there.”
Based in part on this experience, the Government of Haiti submitted a formal written request to the US State Department and USAID to purchase Aqua Sciences’ life saving water generators for Haiti.  More specifically, Haiti’s Ambassador to the United States, Raymond Joseph,  wrote to both Secretary Hillary Clinton and USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.  His request is to fund the expansion of Aqua Sciences’ current presence in Haiti by purchasing Emergency Water Stations to deploy throughout the country to support its new construction plans, its ongoing rebuilding efforts and emergency preparedness capabilities. 
In response, we propose the attached turnkey solution to Haiti’s drinking water needs with 100 mobile Atmospheric Water Harvesting Machines that:
·         Deliver drinking water in locales where supplies are nonexistent or compromised and the cost of infrastructure is high
·         Provide drinking water to these locations at a cost lower than other solutions
·         Maximize flexibility in supply because they can be moved easily among locations
·         Include personnel training, salaries and maintenance for 18 months with the support of a local partner.
This proven solution is independent of and complementary to ongoing relief efforts.
I and the Aqua Sciences team look forward to discussing this proposal with you!
Abe Sher
Aqua Sciences
+1.305.655.1460 xt. 222

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