
Another idea

"Robert Biden"
"Devon Archer"
2014-04-13 10:24
You- through Alex- should reconnect with Vitaly Klitschko (boxer candidate) who was a central leader of the overthrow of Yanukovych. He more than anyone seems to have real legitimacy across all reformist factions and would be a great source of intel on the legitimacy of our Nick and his operation. If he was amenable he would also be a great person to let know that we are supportive of Nick b/c we believe it is essential to maintain/increase the current levels of domestic gas production as a bulwark against RU aggression. He would be someone worth both you and me going to meet. RHB 202.333.1880<?xml version=.0" encoding=TF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version=.0"> <dict> <key>conversation-id</key> <integer>3843</integer> <key>date-last-viewed</key> <integer>1630639058</integer> <key>date-received</key> <integer>1397395453</integer> <key>flags</key> <integer>8590195713</integer> <key>remote-id</key> <string>66</string> </dict> </plist>

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