
Re: State Dept. ordered to review 15,000 Clinton emails for potential release - POLITICO

"Alexander S. Mackler"
"Eric Schwerin"
"Hunter Biden"
2016-08-22 14:49
First day at new job today. Literally the first page on all the paperwork I have to review--the first page!--was about preserving all federal records, especially emails. Just like at the WH. Incredible how this all could've happened. 


On Aug 22, 2016, at 1:00 PM, Eric Schwerin <> wrote:

State Dept. ordered to review 15,000 Clinton emails for potential release


The FBI discovered thousands more documents. | AP Photo

State Dept. ordered to review 15,000 Clinton emails for potential release

A federal judge on Monday ordered the State Department to review for potential release nearly 15,000 previously undisclosed documents related to Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server, creating another headache for the Democratic nominee in the long-running scandal.

As part of its now-closed investigation into Clinton's handling of classified information through her private server while at State Department, the FBI discovered thousands more documents, some of which may not have been part of the agency's prior public releases of Clinton's work emails.

The State Department was ordered on Monday to begin reviewing approximately 14,900 documents by Sept. 22 and conduct a rolling review of the items as they are analyzed, after Judicial Watch — which has been pushing for the release of the documents — and the Justice Department said in an Aug. 12 court filing that they would figure out a plan for their distribution.

U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg ordered another hearing for Sept. 22, during which the court will set a schedule for releasing the newly discovered documents.

It is unclear whether some of these documents are duplicate of the 30,000 emails already released by the State Department or whether they are new messages altogether. FBI Director James Comey said in July that the bureau found "thousands" that were not turned over.

"FBI found almost 15,000 new Clinton documents. When will State release them? Court hearing today," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton tweeted Monday.

State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement on Monday that the agency will have to "carefully" review the documents in question. "We can confirm that the FBI material includes tens of thousands of non-record (meaning personal) and record materials that will have to be carefully appraised at State," Toner said. "State has not yet had the opportunity to complete a review of the documents to determine whether they are agency records or if they are duplicative of documents State has already produced through the Freedom of Information Act."

The Republican National Committee seized on the news, with Chairman Reince Priebus calling for the new documents to be released before the election in November.

"The process for reviewing these emails needs to be expedited, public disclosure should begin before early voting starts, and the emails in question should be released in full before Election Day," Priebus said.

In an interview with C-SPAN, Fitton credited his group with pressuring the FBI with its litigation, adding that the bureau's "criminal investigation has uncovered emails that Mrs. Clinton tried to hide from the American people, deleted or otherwise, they were able to obtain, and they turned those over to the State Department, and the State Department’s looking at all of those emails."

"And so we're going to try to get those documents and where they — see how quickly the government is willing to turn them over to us, and we'll discuss that at court today," Fitton said, adding that he did not know the contents of the documents. “Well we don’t know what they are. They’re Clinton emails that haven't been looked at yet by the American people, by the State Department, so they're going to have to evaluate them under the Freedom of Information Act and see what's releasable."

Fitton said the group had been told about the trove on Friday, adding, "so we're going to try to get those documents and see how quickly the government is willing to turn them over to us, and we'll discuss that in court today."


Eric D. Schwerin
Rosemont Seneca Advisors, LLC
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